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API Eigen Example - gRPC Demo using Python#
This tutorial shows how you can use the Python gRPC Client of the API Eigen Example project to communicate with the gRPC Server.
In the following demo, we will be showing the basics of API gRPC protocol by means of a simple library we have created. This library basically contains two elements in its Python version:
- A server which basically implements an API gRPC interface to communicate with an installed library within
it, in our case the Eigen library. This API gRPC interface basically exposes certain functionalities such as adding, subtracting and multiplying
in a simple way. By using Protobuf, we have created certain messages which both the server and the client know how to encode and decode.
A client in charge of easing the interaction with the server by means of API gRPC interface specific methods.
In order to run this demo, it is necessary to deploy a server. When the docs are generated (via workflows), the server is deployed as a service to compile the example. However, if you are planning on running the example on your own, it is necessary to deploy it manually. In order to do so, please run this on a different Python terminal:
>>> import ansys.eigen.python.grpc.server as grpc_server
>>> import logging
>>> logging.basicConfig()
>>> grpc_server.serve()
Now, once the server is up and running. Let us import our client!
from ansys.eigen.python.grpc.client import DemoGRPCClient
The DemoGRPCClient#
This DemoGRPCClient
class is basically the one which will handle the API gRPC interface with the server,
together with the connection itself, the formatting of the request and so on. When constructing the class we
must provide as inputs the ip
and the port
of the server. For this demo we are running, since we
already deployed the server (either manually or as a container), we will provide the following arguments:
IP(or DNS):
Port: 50051
The server is exposed by IP and port 50051 as per defined in the Dockerfile of the server and
the server itself. Thus, the previous inputs should be provided, although they are also the default values. Nonetheless,
in the IP field we could also provide the DNS for the sake of showing that DNS values are also accepted. In this case,
by inserting localhost
the connection would also be established.
my_client = DemoGRPCClient(ip="", port=50051)
my_client_dns = DemoGRPCClient(ip="localhost", port=50051)
Connected to server at
Connected to server at localhost:50051
This DemoGRPCClient
also has a method for verifying the connection to out client, which is a simple
handshake/greeting, when we provide our name:
The server answered: Hello, User!
This will let us verify that the connection to the server is adequate and communication is favorable.
# Now, we will proceed to perform a simple operation like adding two 1D numpy.ndarrays. First, let us start by defining them:
import numpy as np
vec_1 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.float64)
vec_2 = np.array([5, 4, 2, 0], dtype=np.float64)
Performing gRPC interaction#
Now, we will call the client method add_vectors(...)
, and we will explain the typical process of all interface methods (add_XXXX(...)
and multiply_XXXX(...)
The client performs some sanity checks to confirm that the inputs provided are as expected. This Demo has some limitations such as: only 1D, 2D numpy.ndarrays are allowed; they must be of type float64. Direct interaction with the server (i.e. without a client) and using gRPC is out of the scope of this demo. Doing so could be considered as “impossible” since you would have to serialize your message on your own, following the standard defined in the proto files.
- The client serializes the messages with the inputs provided using generator functions. Our end server is characterized for receiving
of messages, which basically represent a list of messages. Each of these messages are serialized following the interface proposed by the proto files, thanks to the automatically generated source code by protobuf. For example our
message is characterized for having the following structure:enum DataType {INTEGER = 0;DOUBLE = 1;}
message Vector {DataType data_type = 1; int32 vector_size = 2; bytes vector_as_chunk = 3;}
- The client serializes the messages with the inputs provided using generator functions. Our end server is characterized for receiving
When the server receives the messages, it deserializes them and interprets each of the previous fields. Thus, it is easily converted into a numpy.ndarray of the adequate type. Then, the desired vectors to be added are passed to the Eigen library via our
for the resolution of the demanded operation.- Once the results of the operation are available, the server serializes the result and responds with the adequate message to the client.
For example, according to the proto file, our server receives a stream of Vector messages, and returns a single Vector message (which contains the result of the requested operation):
rpc AddVectors(stream Vector) returns (Vector) {}
The client then receives the response, deserializes the message and returns the corresponding result to the end-user as numpy.ndarray. Thus, the entire process is like a black-box for the end-user, and does not require to understand what is happening behind the scenes, since the end-user is only interested in the end-result.
Let us now call the method!
Vector addition!
[6. 6. 5. 4.]
As mentioned before, there are several other methods implemented:
Vector position-flip!
[4. 3. 2. 1.]
Vector dot product!
Let us show as well operations with 2D numpy.ndarrays (i.e. Matrices)
# Define your matrices
mat_1 = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=np.float64)
mat_2 = np.array([[5, 4], [2, 0]], dtype=np.float64)
# Call the client to perform your desired operation
mat_add = my_client.add_matrices(mat_1, mat_2)
# Show the result!
print("Adding matrices!")
Adding matrices!
[[6. 6.]
[5. 4.]]
Multiplying matrices!
[[ 9. 4.]
[23. 12.]]
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.024 seconds)