
Overall guidance on contributing to a PyAnsys library appears in the Contributing topic in the PyAnsys Developer’s Guide. Ensure that you are thoroughly familiar with it and all Guidelines and Best Practices before attempting to contribute to the API Eigen Example repository.

The following contribution information is specific to the API Eigen Example repository.

Cloning the API Eigen Example Repository#

Run this code to clone and install the latest version of the repository in development mode:

git clone
cd api-eigen-example
pip install -r requirements/requirements_eigen_wrapper.txt ./python/eigen-wrapper
pip install -r requirements/requirements_build.txt .

Building documentation#

To build the documentation locally you need to follow these steps at the root directory of the repository:

pip install -r requirements_docs.txt
cd doc
make html

After the build completes, the HTML documentation is located in the _builds/html directory. You can load the index.html into a web browser. To clear the documentation directory, you can run:

make clean

Posting issues#

Use the API Eigen Example Issues page to submit questions, report bugs, and request new features.

Code style#

API Eigen Examples is compliant with the PyAnsys Development Code Style Guide. Code style is checked by making use of pre-commit. Install this tool and activate it with:

python -m pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Then, you can make use of the available configuration file .pre-commit-config.yml, which is automatically detected by pre-commit:

pre-commit run --all-files --show-diff-on-failure