.. _ref_contributing: ============ Contributing ============ Overall guidance on contributing to a PyAnsys library appears in the `Contributing `_ topic in the *PyAnsys Developer's Guide*. Ensure that you are thoroughly familiar with it and all `Guidelines and Best Practices `_ before attempting to contribute to the API Eigen Example repository. The following contribution information is specific to the API Eigen Example repository. Cloning the API Eigen Example Repository ---------------------------------------- Run this code to clone and install the latest version of the repository in development mode: .. code:: git clone https://github.com/ansys/api-eigen-example.git cd api-eigen-example pip install -r requirements/requirements_eigen_wrapper.txt ./python/eigen-wrapper pip install -r requirements/requirements_build.txt . Building documentation ---------------------- To build the documentation locally you need to follow these steps at the root directory of the repository: .. code:: pip install -r requirements_docs.txt cd doc make html After the build completes, the HTML documentation is located in the ``_builds/html`` directory. You can load the ``index.html`` into a web browser. To clear the documentation directory, you can run: .. code:: make clean Posting issues -------------- Use the `API Eigen Example Issues `_ page to submit questions, report bugs, and request new features. Code style ---------- API Eigen Examples is compliant with the `PyAnsys Development Code Style Guide `_. Code style is checked by making use of `pre-commit `_. Install this tool and activate it with: .. code:: python -m pip install pre-commit pre-commit install Then, you can make use of the available configuration file ``.pre-commit-config.yml``, which is automatically detected by pre-commit: .. code:: pre-commit run --all-files --show-diff-on-failure