Source code for
"""Python implementation of the REST API Eigen example database."""
import os
import sqlite3
import click
from flask import current_app, g
# =================================================================================================
# PUBLIC METHODS for DB interaction
# =================================================================================================
def init_app_db(app):
"""Initialize a simple database for storing API REST data."""
current_app = app
# Initialize the new app's DB, deleting any pre-existing data and build it from scracth
# Register this function so that it is called whenever a response is returned by the application
# Emit a message informing the user
click.echo("Our App's DB has been initialized!")
def get_db():
"""Get the database instance of the Flask app.
Connection to the app's database.
if "db" not in g:
# Check if folder exists... otherwise, create it
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(current_app.config["DATABASE"]), exist_ok=True)
g.db = sqlite3.connect(
current_app.config["DATABASE"], detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES
g.db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
return g.db
# =================================================================================================
# PRIVATE METHODS for DB interaction
# =================================================================================================
def __close_db(*args):
"""Close the database."""
db = g.pop("db", None)
if db is not None:
def __init_db():
"""Initialize the database."""
db = get_db()
with current_app.open_resource("restdb/schema.sql") as f: